Our story & purpose

It began in 1983

Growing up on a dairy farm, Maynard Beery developed an early understanding and appreciation for farming. He obtained his BS in Science & Agriculture and Masters in Soil Science from Michigan State University, eventually pursuing doctoral work in soil classification, including soil physics, chemistry and more. After a short time spent as a soil consultant, he rediscovered his passion for farming, opening Beery Farms in 1983.

In the early 1990’s, Beery Farms operated on an industrial beef model - at its peak, there were about 200 cows in the operation. In the industrial model, you purchase young calves and raise them for just a couple of years, eventually switching to an all grain diet and moving a large batch out to be processed. But by 2000, it was clear to Maynard that this style of farming just wasn’t a sustainable model for a small farm operation like Beery Farms.

By the mid-2000s, Maynard was actively practicing his current farm model, a free-range, grass-fed, organic operation. At Beery Farms, you’ll regularly find the cows foraging their fields, see young calves with their mothers, and even spot Maynard and his trusted farm pooches engaging with the cows. In total, the current herd is about 180 animals, and each one of them helps contribute to the operation.

Grass-fed and finished, natural diet that supports sustainability at the farm

Industrial beef models feature high grain diets, the use of chemicals and hormones, etc. - an intensive feeding operation with one goal: get an animal out in 18 months. On the consumer end, meat can be more bland, have limited texture, and less intense flavor. At Beery Farms, our cows enjoy fields seeded with non-GMO perennial grasses and legumes, much closer to a natural diet for the cows. This diet produces a healthy butter fat, versus a soybean fat developed when cows are on high-grain diets.

Free-range foraging with herd socialization for young calves

Calves are separated from mothers after just a few days in an industrial operation, meaning they miss out on key socialization and development from mom and the herd. At Beery Farms, our young calves spend essential time with mom, learning to forage alongside the herd and interacting directly with Maynard. Rather than spending time in isolated pens, they get to stretch their legs, play with fellow calves, and experience the kind of life we believe every young cow should have.

24-30 month maturity at harvest for exquisite flavor profile

At Beery Farms, our cows mature 24-30 months before harvest - much longer than the industrial average of 18 months. We believe that this extended maturity period helps cultivate a delicious flavor that only comes with one special ingredient - TIME. As any one of animals leaves the farm for processing, we know that we have provided each and every one of them with a quality life and the quality nutrition that will ultimately result in a delicious dish for one of our customers.